today, I just want to share about my assey that I was presented last week. hehehehe..
My assei is all about the cat. I know you all know the animal called cat. : )
Purpose : to inform the audience about types of cat.
Topic: Type of cat.
Cat is an animal that categorize as carnivore species. The scientific name’s of cat is Felis Catus and also known as a domestic cat or house cat. The ability of cat is to hunt vermin, snake, scorpion, and other unwanted household pest. Cats use variety of body language for communication among other cats such as meowing, purring, hissing, growling, and grunting. Cats may be the most popular pet in the world but have you ever know how many type of cat has in the world? Here we would like to discuss about three type of cat which bicolor cat, odd-eyed cat, and black cat.
First of all, type of cat is bicolor cat. How do you want to know this type of cat? A bicolor cat has a white fur and combines with fur of other color like black and tabby. There have various pattern of bicolor cat but the most popular is tuxedo pattern. This tuxedo pattern seems like wearing a coat tuxedo and likely has a bow. The color bicolor cat occur because there is white spotting gene present along with a recessive allele of the agouti gene, which evens out the usual striped pattern of the colors of the coat.
Although the Bicolor cat is the most popular and familiar with us especially in the United Kingdom, it is not the only in that country and also not just this type that familiar. The black cat is another type of cat that seems very familiar with us. This type has a uniformly black or almost all black. It is not a particular breed of cat and may be mixed or specific breed. The all-black pigmentation is equally prevalent in both male and female cats. In Western history, black cats have often been looked upon as a symbol of evil omen. We can take the symbol of evil omen as an example in the batman movie that the evil power is black cat women.
In addition to bicolor cat and black cat is odd-eyed cat. This type of cat is very different with other two type of cat above. This type traceable through their eye that one of the eyes is blue color and other eye is green, yellow, or brown color. This condition can found at white color cat but it is also can found in other color of cat as long as it possesses in white spotting gene. Even though, this type rarely to find it. Some people said that the odd-eye cats born deaf in one ear. It is not true. According to statistic, 60-70 percent of odd-eye cat can hear with both ears. Indeed, white cat that have one or two blue eyes have a higher incident of genetic deafness. (Source: internet, Wikipedia The free encyclopedia.)
In conclusion, many type of cat that we did not know in the world, but here I just mention three types only. Although, cat is a carnivore species, but it is a tame animal that anyone can take it as their pet. Therefore, I suggest that anyone who want to keep animal as your pet, take a cat. It is because cat easy to find, does not require too much cost and safe.
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